Realizowane projekty Program Tytuł projektu Akronim Okres realizacji Wartość projektu Wartość dofinansowania Horizon EUROPA Horyzont Europa Climate change and air contamination: Artificial Intelligence applied on the correlation between air pollutants and non-communicable respiratory diseases in Europe ClimAIR 01/01/2025‒31/12/2028 7 961 520 EUR 267 375 EUR Horyzont Europa Collaborative Action and Research for Engagement, Persistence and Adherence in Treatment & Health CAREPATH 01/03/2025‒28/02/2030 20 802 965 EUR 383 750 EUR Horyzont Europa Propelling the shift toward the future of circular, safe and sustainable packaging and single use device ecoDesigned solutions through healthcare environments ENKORE 01/01/2025‒31/12/2028 9 754 000 EUR 233 750 EUR Horyzont Europa Prescription optics providing a universal lens for augmented reality eyewear POPULAR 01/01/2024‒31/12/2026 6 732 178,75 EUR 6 412 EUR Horyzont Europa Alliance4Life Bridging the Research and Innovation Gap in Life Sciences A4L_BRIDGE 01/03/2024‒29/02/2028 4 722 788,12 EUR 295 617,21 EUR Horyzont Europa CANCER PREVENTION AMONG INDIVIDUALS WITH MENTAL ILL-HEALTH: CO-ADAPTING AND IMPLEMENTING PATIENT NAVIGATION FOR PRIMARY CANCER PREVENTION CO-CAPTAIN 01/06/2023‒31/05/2026 2 526 618,75 EUR 169 687,50 EUR Horyzont Europa Development and evaluation of nutritional strategies to reduce and prevent obesity in shift workers SHIFT2HEALTH 01/06/2023‒31/05/2028 9 962 573,75 EUR 409 453,75 EUR Horizon2020 Horizon2020 Identification of the Molecular Mechanisms of non-response to Treatments, Relapses and Remission in Autoimmune, Inflammatory, and Allergic Conditions 3TR 01/10/2019‒31/08/2026 80 803 177,75 EUR 80 600 EUR Horizon2020 European Research and Preparedness Network for Pandemics and Emerging Infectious Diseases EU-RESPONSE 01/07/2020‒30/06/2025 16 055 304,10 EUR 37 608,75 EUR National Research Center The National Centre for Research and Development miRNA as biomarkers in early detection and personalized treatment in ovarian cancer miRPOC 01/10/2023‒30/09/2026 752 098,75 PLN 752 098,75 PLN National Research Center Prioritizing diagnostics and therapeutics of human prion diseases through integrative omics PRIONOMICS 05/02/2024‒04/02/2027 1 080 569 PLN 1 080 569 PLN National Research Center Identifying angiogenic and metabolic biomarkers in endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer using photoacoustic imaging and data mining ENDOVO 01/11/2023‒31/10/2025 1 208 983 PLN 1 208 983 PLN EiT Health EIT HEalth Improving antibiotic use in long term care facilities by infection prevention and control and antibiotic stewardship IMAGINE 01/01/2023‒31/12/2025 2 061 274,62 EUR 104 860,00 EUR EIT Health Training Robot for Ultrasound TrainR4U 01/01/2024‒31/12/2025 807 794 EUR 44 437,50 EUR EIT HEalth VR-based Avatar Therapy for Treatment of Auditory Hallucinations in Patients with Schizophrenia ( VR-AT-SCH) VR-AT-SCH 01/03/2024‒31/12/2025 1 311 617.00 euro 107 500,00 euro Third Health Programme EU4Health programme EU4Health programme Improving antibiotic use in long term care facilities by infection prevention and control and antibiotic stewardship IMAGINE 01/01/2023‒31/12/2025 2 061 274,62 EUR 104 860,00 EUR Erasmus+ Erasmus+ an inTerprofessional EuropeAn curriculuM for health and social Care staff: developing a speciAlist in personalized useR-centered carE in the community TEAMCARE 01/10/2023‒31/08/2026 1 372 678.22 EUR 92 715,50 EUR COST Interreg Central Europe Interreg Central Europe Establishment of sustainable structures for the deployment of innovations, transfer of technologies, and knowledge in health care systems in CE based on OI 2.0 principles. Health Labs4Value 01/03/2023‒28/02/2026 2 190 000 EUR 226 800,00 EUR Interreg Central Europe Enhanced marketability and financing of digital health innovations in CE through strengthened cooperation and improved policies DIGIVITALITY 01/07/2023‒31/12/2026 2 020 000 EUR 223 558 EUR Fundusze Operacyjne UE AAL Programme Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej NAWA Welcome to Poland Welcome to UMED 01/10/2023‒31/03/2025 399 069,00 PLN 399 069,00 PLN Archiwum Program Tytuł projektu Akronim Okres realizacji Wartość projektu Wartość dofinansowania Horyzont 2020 Bringing efficiency and safety in elderly homes through holistic digital technologies” BELLIS 30/11/2023‒30/09/2024 198 691,25 EUR 49 082,25 EUR Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej Internationalisation empowerment of Doctoral School at Medical University of Lodz InterEmpowerEd 03/01/2022‒31/12/2024 2 012 000,00 PLN 2 012 000,00 PLN Erasmus+ Assessment in Healthcare EducAtion goes Digital AHEAD 01/11/2021‒01/05/2024 281211 36582 Erasmus+ Development of a training program for improving QoL of seniors living in loneliness Healthy Loneliness 01/03/2021‒30/04/2023 374 853 EUR 80 840 EUR AAL Programme Bringing the beneficial cognitive, social and physical effects of immersive training to the high-functioning senior home-user CoSoPhy FX 01/06/2021‒31/10/2023 741 198 PLN 741 198 PLN EiT Health Soft bone cement for better treatment of osteoporotic fractures SOFTBONE 01/01/2020‒31/12/2022 2018796 EUR 153 000 EUR Horizon2020 SMART LIVING HOMES – WHOLE INTERVENTIONS DEMONSTRATOR FOR PEOPLE AT HEALTH AND SOCIAL RISKS GATEKEEPER 01/10/2019‒31/03/2023 23 636 704,38 EUR 516 875 EUR Fundusze Operacyjne UE Opracowanie prototypów leków do zastosowania w terapii komórkowej i egzosomalnej zespołu ostrej niewydolności oddechowej wywołanej przez wirus SARS-CoV-2 KELI 01/03/2021‒01/02/2022 840 850 EUR 81 000 EUR Horizon2020 Leveraging AI based technology to transform the future of health care delivery in Leading Hospitals in Europe ODIN 01/03/2021‒28/02/2025 11 375 651,37 EUR 287 262,50 EUR COST Leukemia Gene Discovery by data sharing, mining and collaboration LEGEND 26/10/2017‒24/04/2022 Interreg Central Europe Innovation ecosystem for smart elderly care I CARE SMART 01/11/2019‒30/04/2022 2 593 040,6 EUR 129 601,10 EUR EiT Health Innovation Days i-Days 01/01/2022‒31/12/2022 252 880 EUR 10 613 EUR National Research Center Improving rational prescribing for UTI in frail elderly ImpresU 01/04/2018‒09/12/2023 889 398 PLN 890 398 PLN Third Health Programme Health Alliance for Prudent Prescription and Yieldof Antibiotics in a Patient-centered Perspective HAPPY PATIENT 01/01/2021‒31/12/2023 3 311 668 EUR 153 042 EUR EiT Health From Scientists to Innovators for Industry Sci Fi 01/01/2021‒31/12/2021 Płatne 100 lub 500 Euro od uczestnika, zależnie od wybranego modułu Third Health Programme Evidence-Based Guidance to Scale-up Integrated Care in Europe VIGOUR 01/01/2019‒30/06/2022 3 046 025,71 EUR 88 596 EUR COST European Network to Advance Best practices & technoLogy on medication adherencE ENABLE 20/10/2020‒19/10/2024 EiT Health Epidemiology of Ageing and Dementia Prevention Ageing@EITHealth 01/01/2020‒31/12/2023 35400 EUR Erasmus+ Education and commitent as a strategy to fight against doping ECASFAD 01/01/2021‒31/12/2022 253 485 EUR 27 900 EUR Erasmus+ Network of Health Science Innovation Incubation Programs NetHIIP 01/09/2019‒31/08/2022 241 180 EUR 35 345 EUR Erasmus+ Online Adaptive International Progress Test OAIPT 01/09/2018‒31/12/2021 331 570 EUR 20 353 EUR Horizon2020 Alliance for Life Sciences: From Strategies to Actions in Central and Eastern Europe A4L_ACTIONS 01/05/2021‒30/04/2024 1 999 932,49 EUR 146 918,75 EUR COST CliniMARK: ‘good biomarker practice’ to increase the number of clinically validated biomarkers CliniMARK 14/03/2017‒31/10/2021 Horizon2020 A high-dimensional approach for unwinding immune-metabolic causes of cardiovascular disease-depression multimorbidities TO_AITION 01/01/2020‒31/12/2024 5 990 515 EUR 252 000 EUR ARCHIWUM PROJEKTÓW